Ups… there I did it. Unfortunately I tried to install the wrong hex file on the CR-10S board and it was gone. Empty LCD. No answer on boot.
To help others in fixing it faster, here the result of my research: The best hints I’ve found on
This is for the CR-10 and the CR-10S mainboard is a different beast: It has a different processor and the ICSP connector is at a different position.

I tried to follow Donovans walk through, but hat no success with his first method mentioned, but full success with the alternative method:
Her is the very fast howto:
- Pick up your Arduino One
- Get Nick Gammon’s sketches from
- Flash the Atmega_Board_Programmer sketch on the Arduino One
- Connect the Arduino ICSP pins (except Reset) to the CR-10S boards (V2.1) ICSP pins. Reset on Arduino site is digital pin 10.
- At least you should see the CR-10S board power on. If not, you did something wrong.
- Go into Arduino->Tools->Serial Monitor
- Set Baudrate to 115200 and Communication to „Both NL and CR“
- If you see the menu of the Board Programmer, type G in the text box to program the bootloader. You should get a positive result in the programmer.
- Ready to continue business as usual with uploading firmwares.